#What is the Journal? It's the record of all the changes made to the page.
##Why is it called the Journal?
Because the page is built from a (simple) database and, in database lingo, the change history is called a journal.
##Working with the Journal
The Journal looks like this
The Journal is the grey pane at the bottom of the page that shows you the history of everything that has happened to the page so far.
Actions recorded in the journal include: * adding an item * changing an item * deleting an item * moving an item * <i>forking</i> the page from another site
##Two action buttons
At the bottom-right corner of the Journal are two action buttons. These let you add to the history of the page.
The small flag button makes a copy of the page and adds it to your site. This is Forking.
The small [+] button opens up the Factory so that you can work on the page.
Related: Understanding the Factory
Related: Forking as (Cultural) Feature