Understanding knowledge prequel

Every act of understanding relies on symbolic representations that we interact with. Iteratively we reapply different assumptions of the world and observe their behaviour.

E.g., what we call the virtual world does not even exist at all, it is merely non-physical. Only the application of mythical and sacred notions, say metaphysical, to semantically charged information processing, whose electric component indeed is a very physical product, renders its perception to be out of this world and produces fear. Thus it's deferred to a non-place, an Utopia where relations appear even between the most contradictory one thought of. The Virtual Realm.

One method to display the variety of different views on the world is the computational metaphore and its informatics underpinnings.

A cybernetic approach of arguably materio-semiotic actants reformulates the given prepositions on the world there are.

Disseminating localized archives to create serendipitious encounters between mutually enriching ecosystems is the aim of ethical knowledge crafting.

With sustainable effort we try to foster the creation of available, free and libre expression tools.

The crux is the socially encoded code of conduct. It is being represented by often unreflected, implicate resource flows, organizational patterns thereof and any resulting relations of trust.

We are hardly starting to be able to talk about those issues, as emancipatory practice is often threatened throughout history by oppresive regimes.

Die vorherrschende Meinung ist zumeist jene der Herrschenden.

Not at last because we use informational representations, many small and dynamic views on the world taken together sometimes allow to figure out at least a little.

In the end, Understanding Knowledge resembles quite very much the common notion of sociality, of being a social animal itself: living in relation with a bunch of living creatures and relying on each other's helpful hands to survive.
