Getting Lost

In the Hypertext '87 keynote, Andy van Dam notes there is still a problem in hypertext that users often feel lost. Here we discuss why users feel this way, how the Web has dealt with it, and whether federated wiki exacerbates the problem. html

Part of the problem was the "teleportation problem". When in a single page system a person clicked a link they lost all their previous context.

Early in the development of the World Wide Web, Guido van Rossum suggested Guide-like Fold Links should be included in the HTML specification to deal with this issue. This suggestion was rejected.

In practice, the early web tried to deal with this through the use of frames (originally) and later included static side menus.

Do current users of the Web browse deep into links? Or do they make relatively short hops to-and-from side menus and Facebook.

Are there ways to write in federated wiki that reduce the feeling of being lost?


Stigmergic Browsing helps one to not get lost.