Frances Bell

My working life began in programming in 1974 and finished when I retired two years ago from my job as a senior lecturer in Salford Business School. For the first year of my retirement, I was not sure that I wanted to do anything more than spend time on knitting, sewing, gardening and visiting new places but in this last year, I have grown into a role that I saw once on a conference badge, itinerant scholar. As I wander in our motorhome, and across the web, I find a new joy in scholarship freed from institutional constraints.

All that I have learned from being and working in technology and education is still with me but what has changed is my perspective. I am now looking at education (and technology) from the outside, and what grabs my attention are the (im)possibilities of learning on the web.

I am logging my early explorations with Fedwiki. I am keeping a page of Things that go wrong when I use Fedwiki and how they get fixed

I tweet at @francesbell